Development Strategy of the AIS Department
History. The Department of Automation and Information Systems (AIS) was established in September 2010. When organizing the department, it was decided to provide training in two relevant specialties: "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies" and "Computer Science". The department was headed by A. P. Oksanych. During 2011, the department licensed both specialties and recruited applicants for the 1st year. The core of the teaching staff of the department at that time were Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Petrenko V. R., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Shevchenko I. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Prytchyn S. E., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Oksanych I. G.
Material and Technical Support. For 10 years, a powerful material and technical base of the department has been created, which today includes 6 specialized laboratories, a diploma design office and a specialized English language classroom, lecture halls. All classrooms are equipped with modern computer technology (more than 60 computers with Internet access), industrial controllers, measuring instruments, unique scientific equipment, and 5 classrooms are equipped with multimedia stationary systems.
Research Work. At the same time, the department's research activities were developing. The Department established the Research Institute of Semiconductor Technologies and Information and Control Systems (RI TSICS), whose activities include fundamental and applied research in the field of semiconductor single crystals production, development and implementation of new technologies for the production of highly efficient solar energy converters. The department has a scientific school "Nanoscale semiconductor structures, intelligent devices based on them, automation of semiconductor production technology and photovoltaic solar energy converters" under the direction of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. P. Oksanych. The department carries out a number of contractual research works, over the past five years it has performed works for a total cost of 350 thousand UAH. The most significant practical result is the development of the magnetic pulse treatment device MILA-1, designed for the treatment of widespread diseases, a patent was issued and a certificate of conformity was obtained in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The device was put into mass production.
Personnel Training. The Department provides conditions for training of postgraduate and doctoral students who conduct research in two specialized laboratories: semiconductor materials production technology and research of sensor elements parameters. A specialized academic council was organized for the defense of PhD theses in the specialties 05.13.06 "Information Technologies" and 05.27.06 "Technology, Equipment and Production of Electronic Equipment". Over the ten years of the department's existence, 5 of its teachers have received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and 9 have become Candidates of Technical Sciences. The number of publications in professional scientific journals by the department's staff is growing every year. Over the past five years, about 40 articles have been published in publications included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 4 monographs and 5 textbooks and manuals have been published, and 4 patents have been granted. Since 2014, the students of the Department have been regular winners of All-Ukrainian scientific competitions and Olympiads, and young scientists of the Department Koval S. S., Kohdas M. G. and Naida V. V. received awards from the President of Ukraine and scholarships from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.
Organizational and International ActivitiesSince 2011, the regular holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Semiconductor Materials, Information Technologies and Photovoltaics" has been introduced, and since 2014, with the support of the IT company AltexSoft, the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "IT Perspective". The work of the department is closely related to the internationalization of the higher education institution. The department has signed an agreement on international cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Technical University in Kosice (Slovakia) and with Jilin University (People's Republic of China). Over the past two years, 5 teachers of the department have completed international internships.
Cooperation with Employers. The department involves representatives of employers and practitioners in the organization and implementation of the educational process. Thus, students studying at the department undergo internships and are employed at enterprises: OJSC Poltava Mining, OJSC Kremenchuk Carbon Black Plant, PJSC STC Information Systems and others. And representatives of IT companies LempDev, AltexSoft, RiverSoft, JoMedia and Lamantine are involved in conducting classroom classes.
At present, the department is among the top ten leading departments of the university in terms of technical equipment, the number of students, the number of scientific publications, and the number of teachers with academic degrees. Today, in 8 computer classes and specialized laboratories, disciplines of bachelor's and master's training cycles in two specialties 174 "Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics" and 122 "Computer science" are studied, general computer training of students of many other specialties of the university is carried out and scientific research is carried out in accordance with the main directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of the university and the requirements of innovative production development in two PhD programs 122 Computer science and 171 Electronics.