Readings dedicated to the memory of Ukrainian victims of the Holodomor-Genocide of 1932-1933

On November 24, students of our university, the city's public, and clergymen gathered on the square of Kremenchuk near the memorial sign to the victims of political repression for traditional readings dedicated to the memory of Ukrainians who were killed by the Soviet totalitarian communist regime by the organized Holodomor-genocide of 1932-1933.

Students wrote down these memories in the 1990s from the words of witnesses who survived the Holodomor-Genocide. These testimonies were published in the book "The Memory of the 33rd Calls to the Young: Witnesses' Memories and the Word of a Historian." Archpriest Volodymyr Makohon, a minister of the Kremenchuk Deanery of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, served a memorial service for the dead Ukrainians. 10.5 million people died from the Holodomor-genocide organized by the Soviet communist regime.

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