On September 27-30, V International Scientific and Technical Conference MEES'22 was held at KrNU. Students of the department took part in the meetings of the V International Conference "Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES)".
The conference is held under the auspices of the IEEE. The collection of reports is indexed in the Scopus scientometric database.
Conference topics: industrial electronics; industrial informatics and applications; power electronics; power grids and systems; electrical and energy education.
Our reports (teachers and students of the department are highlighted):
- Anatoliy Oksanich, Serhey Pritchin, Maksym Kohdas, Vladislav Boichuk «Analysis of the Photoluminescence Degradation of Porous Silicon Layers»
- Andriy Perekrest, Dmytro Mamchur, Arsentiy Zavaleev, Kyrylo Vadurin, Vladyslav Malolitko, Volodymyr Bakharev «Web-Based Technology of Intellectual Analysis of Environmental Data of an Industrial Enterprise»
- Šimon Gans, Ján Molnár, Vitalii Naida, Mariia Maliakova «Analysis of Magnetic Field Simulations of Magnetoelastic Sensors Quasi-Statically Using COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB Software»
- Branislav Fecko, Alona Nikitina, Evgeniia Burdilna «Open Source Solution for CNC Milling Machine Monitoring and Comparison with Matlab Simulation in Real Time»
- Patrik Jacko, Andrii Kalinov, Jaroslav Babjak, Evgeniia Burdilna «Design of a Multi-Storey Model of an Automated Garage House Based on ATmega2560 Microcontroller»
- Igor Konokh, Nataliia Istomina, Vitalii Naida «Effective Construction Schemes of Solar Hot Water Supply Systems and Process Control Tools»
- Tibor Vince, Dominik Čižmárik, Jozef Dziak Dmytro Mamchur, Iudina Anna, Naida Vitalii «A Comparative Analysis of Transient Analysis Results for DC-DC Regulator in PSpice, Tina, and LTspice»S.E. Pritchin, A.O. Maksimov, V.O. Artemenko, O.S. Prytchyn, D.V. Pasenko «Changing the Surface Morphology of a Silicon Wafer to Improve the Efficiency of Solar Cells»