Lomonos Andrii Ivanovych

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E-mail: ai_lomonos@ukr.net

Results of activity according to item 38 of license conditions №365 (read more).

Certification training: read more.

Publication activity:  read more.

Scientific interests: determination of rational parameters of electrical equipment in mutual load systems of direct current machines with storage devices; development of virtual computer simulators for studying the operating modes of electrotechnical test complexes; research on the application of intelligent technologies during testing of electric machines; optimization of modes of movement of electric metro trains.

2001: higher education, Kremenchug State Polytechnic University, "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive"; electromechanical engineer.

Scientific degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, 141 Electrical energetics, electrical engineering and electromechanics (05.09.03 – Electrotechnical complexes and systems), "The electrotechnical complex for testing the direct current motors without mechanical shafts connection", (DK № 015148 from 2013).

Academic title: Associate Professor of the Department of Automatic Control and Electric Drive Systems, 12DC № 046816 from 2016.

Other activities:
Leading Specialist of accreditation and licensing center Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
Participates in Research Work.
Management of Student Scientific Work (List of student individual publications).
Curator of the student academic group (read more).
Author of textbooks, manuals (read more).