Academic Integrity – це сукупність етичних принципів та визначених законом правил, якими мають керуватися учасники освітнього процесу під час навчання, викладання та провадження наукової (творчої) діяльності з метою забезпечення довіри до результатів навчання та/або наукових (творчих) досягнень.
In brief about
Basic Principles of Academic Integrity
The observance of academic integrity by students involves:
- independent performance of educational tasks, tasks of current and final control of learning results (for persons with special educational needs, this requirement is applied considering their individual needs and capabilities);
- references to sources of information in the case of using ideas, developments, statements, information;
- compliance with the legislation on copyright and related rights;
- provision of reliable information about the results of one's own educational (scientific, creative) activities, used research methods and sources of information.
KrNU has approved the rules for maintaining academic integrity, which can be viewed on the page of regulatory documents of Quality of Education.
The website of the KrNU Library has a whole section dedicated to academic integrity (read more).
Academic integrity issues are included in the questionnaire of the KrNU
(ATTENTION! To fill out the questionnaires, enter the password - the number of the questionnaire (3 or 4)!)