During the educational process, teachers and students face various types of conflicts. Conflicts can arise not only in an educational institution, but also at home. Various situations test our psychological state and affect the efficiency and productivity of educational and everyday activities. It is better to avoid conflicts, or to resolve them as soon as possible.
If you have a conflict situation that requires clarification or external intervention, we invite you to resolve conflicts constructively.
We advise you to familiarize yourself with the documents of the KrNU (link):
Procedure for preventing and resolving conflicts of interest (appealing against the actions of research and teaching staff, the results of control measures, and other types of conflict situations)
You can ask for help in the ways:
- Curator of your group.
- To the deputy heads of the department and the guarantor of your educational program.
21/1 Universitetska St., building 7, floor 4, room 7402. - Dean's office
str. Universytetska, 20, Building No. 2, Floor 3, Auditorium 2303. - Legal department of KrNU:
str. 20 Universytetska, Building No. 1, Floor 2, Auditorium 1206, tel. 75-82-95.
Thanks to the joint discussion of conflicts, we will be able to help you in solving controversial issues.
There is also a page Hotline on the website of KrNU.
We wish you strong all-round mental, physical, spiritual and social health!