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Results of activity according to item 38 of license conditions №365 (read more)
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Scientific interests: electronics, automation, microcontrollers, programming.
Higher education:
1984: higher education, Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, Leningrad, USSR "Engineering"; electromechanical engineer. ID No. 797841.
2007: post-graduate education, Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technologies and Management, "Control and Automation Systems", systems engineer for control and automation systems, DSK No. 088891.
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, 171 Electronics (05.27.06 - technology, equipment and production of electronic equipment), "Development of technology for the production of gallium arsenide substrates for microelectronic products", (AP No. 001401 dated October 31, 2019).
Academic title: Professor of the Department of Automation and Information Systems, December 16, 2019, AP №001401.
2017: Award badge "Excellence in education", No. 388
Other activities:
Academic secretary of the specialized academic council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences D 45.052.04
Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal «Transactions of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University»
Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of Kremenchug Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University.
Head of the organizing committee of the International Conference «Semiconductor Materials, Information Technologies and Photovoltaics»
Scientific supervisor of research works.
Scientific supervisor of postgraduate students.
Management of Student Scientific Work (read more).
Responsible person for scientific work of the department.
Curator of the student academic group (read more).
Author of textbooks, manuals (read more).