On 11 October, Professor Volodymyr Nikiforov, First Vice-Rector of Kremenchuk National University named after M. Ostrohradskyi, and Oleksandr Nikiforov, Director of Human Resources, Social Affairs and Regime of PJSC Kryukiv Carriage Works, signed an agreement on cooperation between the institutions in the dual form of higher education. The agreement is valid for five years, until 31 December 2028.
It is planned that the following departments of Kremenchuk National University will cooperate with the carriage works under the dual education program:
- Mechanical Engineering (IMITPN);
- Automatic control and electric drive systems (IELIIT);
- Automation and Information Systems (IELIIT);
- Computer Engineering and Electronics (IELIIT).
Each of these departments has involved 2 to 6 students in the project, who will be employed at the railcar building plant and study in a dual form of higher education. These students are currently studying at the university in the following specialties: "Industrial Engineering, Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies.