On Wednesday, 08.05.24 at 10.30 am in aud. 1121 will be held a Job Fair for students of all technical specialties.
Tag: employers
Excursion: AVM Amper LLC
On April 23, 2024, students majoring in 174 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies had an excursion to AVM Amper LLC, led by Director Konstantin Pasishnichenko.
Announcement: excursion to AVM AMPER LLC
We invite you to take part in the excursion, which will take place on 04/23/2024 at 14.00
Meeting with representatives of Danone
On 13.03.2024, an online meeting of teachers and students of IELIT specialties with representatives of Danone was held, dedicated to the topic: "Secrets of development at Danone. The role of the technical department and its unique expertise"
Announcement: meeting with Danone representatives
We invite everyone to a meeting dedicated to the topic: "Secrets of development at Danone. The role of the technical department and its unique expertise".
Discussion of the Educational Programs Project for 2024
On 03/06/2024, the discussion of draft educational and professional programs of the Department of Automation and Information Systems began.
Webinar lecture "All about QA and Automation professions"
On 28 February 2024, an online meeting of students with Natalia Popelyshko, a software testing specialist at the international company Global-E, took place. The topic of the meeting was devoted to the following issues: what is QA; characteristics of the tester's work; level of automation.
Dual education: Poltava Mining «FERREXPO»
Meeting of PPC representatives with students on the issue of enrolment in dual education
Cooperation with PJSC "Kriukiv Carriage Works"
Кременчуцький національний університет і ПАТ «Крюківський вагонобудівний завод» підписали угоду про співробітництво за програмою «Дуальна освіта»
Meeting with representatives of “Kryukovsky Railway Car Building Works”
A meeting of our students with representatives of the carriage plant on dual education